“The
moon
is
the
world"
s
unfettered
idle
people,
but
also
the
world"
s
rare
refreshing
scenery.
You
are
the
most
beautiful
person
in
the
world,
truly
rare
in
the
world.
月是人间散客,亦是人间清乐,卿是人间绝色,亦是人间难得。”
“I
hope
that
the
way
you
go
will
be
full
of
flowers
and
loud
voices.
希望你走的路繁花盛开,人声鼎沸。”
“Stars
can
have
many,
but
the
moon
can"
t.
mean,
you"
re
unique.
星星可以有很多,但月亮不能。
我的意思是,你独一无二。”
……
不扒不知道,一扒吓一跳,这一扒,姜糖和小月亮们都沉默了。
“明明是很正常的追星文案,但我总感觉哪里不对劲是怎么肥四?”
“丸辣,我应该是唯粉的!
我要变质了!”
“咳咳,如果这一对是假的,那我磕一下怎么了,又不会成真;
如果这一对是真的,那我磕一下怎么了?本来就是真的;